About Annelie

I started my own business in 2000, with the nail salon that with time was expanded with pedicure, Swedish Classic Massage, Ayurvedic HotStoneMassage, Lifecoaching and AuraTransformation™.

  • 1999: Nail specialist at Scandinvian Manicure School
  • 2004: ”Friskvårdsterpeut” at Göteborgs Gymnastiska Institut
  • 2005: Hot Stone Masseur at Lakshmi
  • 2008-2009: Course in Coordination of Coaching Leadership at Ängsbacka kursgård
  • 2011-2012: Lifecoach course under Kjell Haglund
  • 2013: AuraTransformation™
  • 2014: Auramediation™


My personal story, from then to now

Between the years 2000 and 2009 I was really passionte about my job and loved when I got to be part of people daring to say yes to themselves. These meetings with people and life’s collected experiences have given me an acceptence for people’s differences, their darkness and greatness.

So…, about 2009 I started to fell that I was no longer in the right place. None of the pillars in my life corresponded with my truth. I knew the I was supposed to be somewhere else, but where? I kept on working as usual while I was waiting for the answer…

In 2012 I had my daughter. I then let go of my business. But my existence was to overpowering for me. I was difficult to keep my spirits up. I suffered from chestpains, unberable itchess and raches. I was very affected by how other people were feeling and I had to be selective regarding who I socialized with. All my energy went to getting my everyday life with my daughter to work.

What eventually led to the turningpoint was that I felt myself drawn to AuraTransformation™, I informed myself about what it could mean to me, and booked a treatment. The first evidence of that something had shifted I got on the way home on the bus, when I met a small child. When our eyes met I felt a sort of contact I hadn’t experienced before. We saw eachother! When I came home I experienced a greater harmony with my daughter (that is ever growing stronger). We slept better then ever that night! I could also keep my energy, and I was a lot stronger when meeting others. I had regained the contact with my inner truth. Shortly thereafter I found a perfect housing for us, and likeby some sort of a miracle we moved there.

The year after my AuraTransformation has been an exciting journey. Sometimes time has passed incredibly fast, sometimes it has stod still. In periods I have been tired, and in other periods I have been full of creativity and drive. I don’t know if what I experienced has to do with me or with other people’s energy; if it belongs to someone else I don’t have to act on it. The steps I mad in my development are permament, not like before, when it felt like as if I was moving in circles. I practice the knowledge I have learned, and now I have put more faith in myself and what I need to feel good on every level. I’m living and creating here and now rather then dreaming that it would be better one day. I feel clearly that I have a greater force from within than before.

The summer of 2014 I took a course in AuraTransformation™ and all the pieces fell into place! The satisfaction living my life’s purpose again is powerful! To be able to support other people in saying YES to their truth and force, and to ”come home” in them selves, to land and grow is the greatest thing for me!

The relationship with my daughter is more glorious than ever. To have more vitality and less need for sleep is also a welcome bonus as a mother of a small child. It makes it easier to be present with her so that I can support her in being herself and at the same time set healthy bounderies.

You are most welcome to come to me with everything that you are!